Maha Khalil Ibrahim

Faculty: Engineering
Position: None
Title: Lecturer
Qualifications: MSc
Email: [email protected]


Title Citation Year
Smart system for monitoring ammonium nitrate storage warehouse
MK Ibrahim, NM Hussien, SN Alsaad
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 23 (1�…, 2021
Fast and Secure Image Encryption System Using New Lightweight Encryption Algorithm.
RS Ali, MK Ibrahim, SN Alsaad
TEM Journal 13 (1), 2024
A smart system to monitor the movement of patient infected with Covid-19
MK Ibrahim, NM Hussien
AIP Conference Proceedings 2845 (1), 2023
A Smart Cane Using GPS Device and GSM Module
MK Ibrahim, NM Hussien
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) 13 (03�…, 2022

MSc in Computer Science

·       2018 to present ,web programming, Database design ,College of Engineering, University Of Information Technology and Communication (UOITC), Iraq.

·       2018 (full time), C++ Programming  College of Engineering, University Of Information Technology and Communication (UOITC), Iraq.

·       2011-2017, Lecturer and Expert in E-Governance ,Ministry of Science and Technology,.

·       2012-2015,(part time),lecturer in computer compiler, electronic manufacturing, and computer applications with matlab,  AL-Rafidain College University , Compuer Engineeering Department,Iraq.

·       2004-2011,(part time),Lecturer in system analysis,database management and computer compiler, AL-Maamoon College University , Compuer Science Department,Iraq.

·       1998, (part time), Lecturer in computer programming ,Institute of Technical Management, Iraq.