Intisar Shadeed Al-Mejibli

Faculty: Medical Informatics
Position: Collage Dean
Title: Assistant professor
Qualifications: Ph. D.
Email: [email protected]


Title Citation Year
The effect of gamma value on support vector machine performance with different kernels
IS Al-Mejibli, JK Alwan, DH Abd
Int. J. Electr. Comput. Eng 10 (5), 5497-5506, 2020
Home telehealth by internet of things (IoT)
SS Al-Majeed, IS Al-Mejibli, J Karam
2015 IEEE 28th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering�…, 2015
Analyzing study of path loss propagation models in wireless communications at 0.8 GHz
HK Hoomod, I Al-Mejibli, AI Jabboory
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1003 (1), 012028, 2018
Performance evaluation of kernels in support vector machine
IS Al-Mejibli, DH Abd, JK Alwan, AJ Rabash
2018 1st Annual International Conference on Information and Sciences (AiCIS�…, 2018
Smart system for dust detecting and removing from solar cells
HA Mohammed, AM Baha'a, IS Al-Mejibli
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1032 (1), 012055, 2018
Analyzing and evaluating the security standards in wireless network: A review study
IS Al-Mejibli, NR Alharbe
Iraqi Journal for Computers and Informatics 46 (1), 32-39, 2020
Challenges of using MIMO channel technology in 5G wireless communication systems
I Al-Mejibli, S Al-Majeed
2018 Majan International Conference (MIC), 1-5, 2018
Monitoring system for sickle cell disease patients by using supervised machine learning
DH Abd, IS Al-Mejibli
2017 Second Al-Sadiq International Conference on Multidisciplinary in IT and�…, 2017
Mushroom diagnosis assistance system based on machine learning by using mobile devices
IS Al-Mejibli, DH Abd
Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for computer science and mathematics 9 (2), Page 103-113, 2017
Evaluating transmission time of service discovery protocols by using ns2 simulator
I Al-Mejibli, M Colley
2010 Wireless Advanced 2010, 1-6, 2010
The security and privacy of electronic health records in healthcare systems: A systematic review
IS Abdulhameed
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) 12 (10�…, 2021
Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology 96 (10), 2018
Optimizing SOM for cell towers distribution
HK Hoomod, I Al-Mejibli, A IssaJabboory
2017 Annual Conference on New Trends in Information & Communications�…, 2017
An investigation study of hospital management information system
MN Abdulla, I Al-Mejibli, SK Ahmed
IJARCCE 6 (1), 2017
Evaluating UPnP service discovery protocols by using NS2 simulator
I Al-Mejibli, M Colley
2010 2nd Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC), 1-5, 2010
A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process for Security Risk Assessment of Web based Hospital Management System
Intisar Shadeed Al-Mejibli and Nawaf Rasheed Alharbe
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering�…, 2019
WSN Localization Method Based on Hybrid PSO-GRNN Approach.
SM Tariq, IS Al-Mejibli
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems 16 (5), 2023
Security and privacy in IoT healthcare system: a systematic review
RF Atiyah, I Al-Mejibli
Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for computer science and mathematics 14 (1), Page 15�…, 2022
System architecture of a proactive intelligent system to monitor health of older adults living alone
I Al-Mejibli, S Al-Majeed, J Karam, C Adolfo, J Iqbal, C Yalung
International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems 10, 509-517, 2021
Innovative lightweight encryption algorithm for real-time video
I Al-Mejibli, SF Ismail
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 36 (3), 2817-2827, 2019

PhD in Computing and Electronic Systems School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering University of Essex, England, UK -- 2012 ; MSc in Computer Science Computer Science Department, Science College University of Baghdad, Iraq --2001; BSc. in Computers Science. Computer Science Department, Science College University of Baghdad, Iraq -- 1999 ;

Teaching Experience • January 2014 – present Delivering lectures for postgraduate students in many subjects (Mobile Communication System, Mobile Computing, Web Security, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Mobile and Wireless Communications, Software engineering, Human Computer Interaction) in Informatics Institute for Postgraduate Studies / Iraqi Commission for Computers and Informatics/ Ministry of Higher education and Scientific Research/ Baghdad/ Iraq. • October 2015 – 2018 Delivering Lectures “Fundamentals Programming in C++” in Informatics Systems Management Department / University of Information Technology and Communications / Baghdad / Iraq. • November 2014 – 2015 Delivering Lectures “Data Communications” in Informatics Systems Management Department / University of Information Technology and Communications / Baghdad / Iraq. • February 2014–November 2014 Delivered lectures “Computer languages and compilers” in Computer Science Department College of science / University of Baghdad, Iraq. • February 2005- March 2005 Delivered lectures “C++ & C# programming languages” in Computer Center Information, Baghdad, Iraq. Supervision Experience • Supervised many PhD, Master and High Diploma Students inside and outside Iraq. Work Experience • December 2019 – present Dean of Biomedical Informatics College / University of Information Technology and Communications / Baghdad / Iraq. • October 2014 – 2018 Head of Informatics Systems Management Department / University of Information Technology and Communications / Baghdad / Iraq. • October 2013- present  Responsible on the translation Committee (Arabic to English and vice versa)  Member in the following Committees IT & Computer Science Deans Committee, Scientific Committee, Manage Symposiums Committee, Improve curriculum Committee, Consolidate the published researches Committee and discover the extraction in students' theses in Informatics Institute for Postgraduate Studies/ Iraqi Commission for Computers and Informatics/ Ministry of Higher education and Scientific Research/ Baghdad/ Iraq • November 2001-November 2013 Senior programmer in General System Company in Baghdad, Iraq and the responsibilities were:  Planning, implementing, testing and documenting several projects. In addition to, organize, write and translate (Arabic to English) website projects.  Planning, implementing, testing and documenting networking basis of several projects. In addition to, Project management activities such as scheduling, project proposal technical reporting, etc.  Planning, implementing, testing and documenting system functions in C++ language that have the ability to exchange information easily between programs which written in different programming languages such C++, Basic, & Visual Basic and running on different computers synchronously. In addition to providing the fault diagnosis and recovery services for network issues.  Programming on different aspects of PC network and communications with windows embedded system.  Programming on Supervisory Control and data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems, planning, implementing, testing and documenting Dual Data Servers on SCADA System. First server act as primary server and the other acts as backup server. Both servers must be up to date in their stored information. Both of them work in real time mode. In addition to, inter processor communication among several computers. Using C and C++ languages. In some stages this project need to be written as a system services.  Training and programming (General System Company in Baghdad, Iraq) on Computer Security & Computer viruses, worms. This includes writing viruses by using C and C++ language.

University of Technology, Baghdad --2014 Teaching Methods. University of Essex, England, UK -- 2011 GRADschool. University of Essex, England, UK – 2010 Induction programme for Graduate Demonstrators and Graduate Laboratory Assistants. University of Essex, England, UK -- 2009 Induction programme for Graduate Teaching Assistants. Computer Center Information, Iraq --2004 Course in Computer Security.

Member of Scientific Committee of “3rd Information Technology to Enhance e-learning and Other Application (IT-ELA)” Conference, Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University / Baghdad / Iraq, 2022 Member of Scientific Committee of “2nd International Conference of Al-Esraa University College for Engineering Sciences (ICAUC_ES)” Conference / Baghdad / Iraq, 2021 Member of Editorial Board of International Journal “VLSI Design Communication Systems (VLSICS)” / Springer/ India Member of Committee of Conference on “Network Security and Distributed Systems (NSDS 2015)” in University of Information Technology and Communications / Baghdad / Iraq Member of Committee of International Conference on “Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (AISO-2015)” / Dubai / UAE