Ahmed Eskander Mezher

Faculty: Business Informatics
Position: None
Title: Lecturer
Qualifications: M.Sc.
Email: [email protected]


Title Citation Year
Enhanced RSA cryptosystem based on multiplicity of public and private keys
AE Mezher
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 8 (5), 3949, 2018
A comparison of the performance of the ad hoc on-demand distance vector protocol in the urban and highway environment
AE Mezher, AA AbdulRazzaq, RK Hassoun
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 30 (3��, 2023
Optimizing Software Through Fully Understanding the Underlying Architecture and Strengthening the Compiler
AE Mezher
University of Colorado Denver, 2013

Msc in Computer science, University of Colorado Denver, United states of America(2014)

Delivering lectures in Business informatics college, Coordinator in Business information technology Department.

Reviewer in Soft Computing Journal (USA)