shaymaa adnan abdulrahman

Faculty: Business Informatics
Position: None
Title: Lecturer
Qualifications: Ph. D.
Email: [email protected]


Title Citation Year
A comprehensive survey on the biometric systems based on physiological and behavioural characteristics
SA Abdulrahman, B Alhayani
Materials Today: Proceedings 80, 2642-2646, 2023
Comparative study for 8 computational intelligence algorithms for human identification
SA Abdulrahman, W Khalifa, M Roushdy, ABM Salem
Computer Science Review 36, 100237, 2020
A efficient deep belief network for Detection of Corona Virus Disease COVID-19
SA Abdulrahman, ABM Salem
Fusion Pract. Appl 2 (1), 05-13, 2020
Support vector machine approach for human identification based on EEG signals
S Abdulrahman, M Roushdy, ABM Salem
Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences 15 (2), 2020
Intrusion detection in wireless body area network using attentive with graphical bidirectional long-short term memory
S Abdulrahman, E Ahmed, Z Jaaz, A Ali
Int. J. Online Biomed. Eng. 19, 31-46, 2023
Innovative smart healthcare and bio-medical systems: AI, intelligent computing and connected technologies
AB Salem
CRC Press, 2020
Detection and classification of alcoholics using electroencephalogram signal and support vector machine
SA Abdulrahman, RA Jaafar
Fusion Pract. Appl 2 (1), 14-21, 2020
A survey of biometrics using electroencephalogram EEG
SA Abdulrahman, W Khalifa, M Roushdy, ABM Salem
International Journal" Information Content and Processing 6 (1), 2019
A Review on Concept of Object Detection Techniques
RA Jaafar, WA Jbara, SA Abdulrahman
no. November, 2019
Comparison between alcoholic and control subjects in EEG signals using classification methods
SA Abdulrahman
J Mech Contin Math Sci 14 (4), 93-101, 2019
Human Identification based on electroencephalography signals using sample entropy and horizontal visibility graphs
SA Abdulrahman, M Roushdy, ABM Salem
WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing 15, 47-54, 2019
Coronavirus classification using deep convolutional neural network, models. and chest, x-ray images
SA Abdulrahman, M Roushdy, ABM Salem
Iraqi Journal for Computers and Informatics 49 (1), 84-90, 2023
A dynamic task scheduling model for mobile cloud computing
ZA Jaaz, SA Abdulrahman, HM Mushgil
2022 9th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer��, 2022
Overview of acquisition techniques brain signals in human identification and disease diagnosis: Applications and challenges
S Abdulrahman, M Roushdy, ABM Salem
TEST Engineering & Management 83, 10564-10575, 2020
Convolutional Neural Networks in Detection of Plant Diseases
SA Abdulrahman
(Humanities, social and applied sciences) Misan Journal of Academic Studies��, 2024
A proposed network of an effective deep belief for the recognition of Alzheimer
SA Abdulrahman
Journal of Kerbala University 21 (2), 2024
An Overview of Techniques for Various Image Segmentation
SA Abdulrahman, M Roushdy, ABM Salem
Journal of Kerbala University 21 (2), 2024
Identification and Prediction of Kidney Diseases by using machine learning Techniques
shaymaa adnan abdulrahman abdel-Badeeh M.Salem
Journal of Positive Sciences(JPS), 1-9, 2023
12 Computational Intelligence in the
SA Abdulrahman, ABM Salem
Innovative Smart Healthcare and Bio-Medical Systems: AI, Intelligent��, 2020
Computational Intelligence in the Identification of COVID-19 Patients
SA Abdulrahman, ABM Salem
Innovative Smart Healthcare and Bio-Medical Systems, 229-243, 2020