Mouayad Abdulredha Sahib

Faculty: Engineering
Position: Collage Dean
Title: Professor
Qualifications: Ph. D.
Email: [email protected]


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Ph.D; MSc; BSc

Responsibilities as an academic staff member include: 1- Delivering lectures, seminars and tutorials using modern teaching & learning pedagogies; 2- Following student-centered teaching and learning, ensuring student engagement and motivation through deep learning; 3- Developing and implementing new methods of teaching to reflect changes in research; 4- Designing, preparing and developing teaching materials; 5- Assessing students' coursework; 6- Setting and marking examinations; 7- Supporting students through a pastoral/advisory role; 8- Undertaking personal research projects and actively contributing to the institution’s research profile 9- Undertaking continuous professional development (CPD) and participating in staff training activities; 10- Undertaking administrative tasks related to the department, such as student admissions, induction programs, invigilation, mark entry, maintain student attendance records and involvement in committees and boards; 11- Establishing collaborative links outside the university with industrial, commercial and public organizations.

1- International Conference on Computing and Communications Applications and Technologies (I3CAT) General Chairs, 2- International Conference on New Trends in Information and Communications Technology Applications (NTICT) PC Member, 3- Associate Managing Editor / Iraqi Journal for Computers and Informatics (IJCI) 4- Editorial Board Membership / Open Science Journal (OSJ) 5- Editorial Board Membership/ Research Journal of Eng and Technology (RJET)