Mouayad Abdulredha Sahib

Faculty: Engineering
Position: Collage Dean
Title: Professor
Qualifications: Ph. D.
Email: [email protected]


Title Citation Year
Multi-objective path planning of an autonomous mobile robot using hybrid PSO-MFB optimization algorithm
AJH Fatin H. Ajeil, Ibraheem Kasim Ibraheem, Mouayad A. Sahib
Applied Soft Computing, 2020
A novel optimal PID plus second order derivative controller for AVR system
MA Sahib
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 18 (2), 194-206, 2015
A New Multi-Objective Performance Criterion used in PID Tuning Optimization Algorithms
MA Sahib, BS Ahmed
Journal of Advanced Research, 2015
Heuristic initialization of PSO task scheduling algorithm in cloud computing
SA Alsaidy, AD Abbood, MA Sahib
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (6�…, 2022
Generating combinatorial test cases using Simplified Swarm Optimization (SSO) algorithm for automated GUI functional testing
BS Ahmed, MA Sahib, MY Potrus
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 2014
Trajectory tracking of differential drive mobile robots using fractional-order proportional-integral-derivative controller design tuned by an enhanced fruit fly optimization
AM Abed, ZN Rashid, F Abedi, SRM Zeebaree, MA Sahib, ...
Measurement and Control 55 (3-4), 209-226, 2022
Nonlinear FXLMS algorithm for active noise control systems with saturation nonlinearity
MA Sahib, R Kamil, MH Marhaban
IEEJ transactions on electrical and electronic engineering 7 (6), 598-606, 2012
Comparison of performance and computational complexity of nonlinear active noise control algorithms
MA Sahib, R Kamil
International Scholarly Research Notices 2011 (1), 925085, 2011
Application of combinatorial interaction design for DC servomotor PID controller tuning
MA Sahib, BS Ahmed, MY Potrus
Journal of Control Science and Engineering 2014 (1), 576868, 2014
Optimum Design of PIλDμ Controller for an Automatic Voltage Regulator System Using Combinatorial Test Design
BS Ahmed, MA Sahib, LM Gambardella, W Afzal, KZ Zamli
Plos One 11 (11), e0166150, 2016
Improving bacterial foraging algorithm using non-uniform elimination-dispersal probability distribution
MA Sahib, AR Abdulnabi, MA Mohammed
Alexandria engineering journal 57 (4), 3341-3349, 2018
Design of an active noise controller for reduction of tire/road interaction noise in environmentally friendly vehicles
MA Sahib, S Streif
2017 Signal Processing: Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and�…, 2017
A new nonlinear controller for the maximum power point tracking of photovoltaic systems in micro grid applications based on modified anti-disturbance compensation
AT Azar, AM Abed, FA Abdulmajeed, IA Hameed, NA Kamal, AJM Jawad, ...
Sustainability 14 (17), 10511, 2022
Loudspeaker nonlinearity compensation with inverse tangent hyperbolic function-based predistorter for active noise control
MA Sahib, R Kamil
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 36 (8), 971-982, 2014
Toward hand functions rehabilitation using the virtual world for pre-school children with cerebral palsy
S Sabry, M Sahib, T Nayl
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 15 (9�…, 2020
A new pitch angle control method of wind turbine generators based on feedforward wind speed information
M Sahib, T Nayl
E3S Web of Conferences 122, 04001, 2019
Bandwidth Utilization Prediction in LAN Network Using Time Series Modeling
AT Namel, MA Sahib, SM Hasan
Multiple channel active noise internal model control with saturation nonlinearities
MA Sahib, R Kamil
2011 Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling�…, 2011
Multi-resource Power Efficient Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Computing
SA Alsaidy, AM Al-Chalabi, AH Alnooh, MA Sahib
2021 International Conference on Computing and Communications Applications�…, 2021
A New Approach to Nonlinear State Observation for Affine Control Dynamical Systems
AT Azar, DA Smait, S Muhsen, MA Jassim, AAMM Al-Salih, IA Hameed, ...
Applied Sciences 13 (5), 3300, 2023

Ph.D; MSc; BSc

Responsibilities as an academic staff member include: 1- Delivering lectures, seminars and tutorials using modern teaching & learning pedagogies; 2- Following student-centered teaching and learning, ensuring student engagement and motivation through deep learning; 3- Developing and implementing new methods of teaching to reflect changes in research; 4- Designing, preparing and developing teaching materials; 5- Assessing students' coursework; 6- Setting and marking examinations; 7- Supporting students through a pastoral/advisory role; 8- Undertaking personal research projects and actively contributing to the institution’s research profile 9- Undertaking continuous professional development (CPD) and participating in staff training activities; 10- Undertaking administrative tasks related to the department, such as student admissions, induction programs, invigilation, mark entry, maintain student attendance records and involvement in committees and boards; 11- Establishing collaborative links outside the university with industrial, commercial and public organizations.

1- International Conference on Computing and Communications Applications and Technologies (I3CAT) General Chairs, 2- International Conference on New Trends in Information and Communications Technology Applications (NTICT) PC Member, 3- Associate Managing Editor / Iraqi Journal for Computers and Informatics (IJCI) 4- Editorial Board Membership / Open Science Journal (OSJ) 5- Editorial Board Membership/ Research Journal of Eng and Technology (RJET)