Ahmed Raheem

Faculty: Business Informatics
Position: Responsible of Division
Title: Lecturer
Qualifications: MSc
Email: [email protected]


Title Citation Year
PID Controller Design for Cruise Control System using Particle Swarm Optimization
AR Abdulnabi
Iraqi Journal for Computers and Informatics 43 (2), 29-34, 2017
Improving bacterial foraging algorithm using non-uniform elimination-dispersal probability distribution
MAM Mouayad A. Sahib , Ahmed R. Abdulnabi
Alexandria Engineering Journal, 9, 2018
Fuzzy Decision-Making Framework for Explainable Golden Multi-Machine Learning Models for Real-Time Adversarial Attack Detection in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
YG A.S. Albahri, Rula A. Hamid, Ahmed Raheem Abdulnabi, O.S. Albahri, A.H ...
Information Fusion, 2023
Intelligent Controller for Monitoring Vehicles at the Roads
YMA Hussein A. Mohammed, Alaa Hamza , Ahmed Raheem
Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences (NJES) 20, 1207-1214, 2017
Automatic mapping and localization in large-scale cyclic using K-nearest neighbours
AR Abdulnabi, MF Esmaile
International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration 9�…, 2022
Low power glove for hand functioning analysis in children with cerebral palsy
SS Sabry, NM Kaittan, AR Abdulnabi
Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences 8 (1), 375-381, 2020
Study of the Effects of Traffic Distribution in a Smart Metering Meshed RF Wireless Network
POHS Ahmed Raheem
National Graduate Conference 2012 (NatGrad2012), 2012